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The Duo

Sirena and Bill originated the roles of Lucy and Ricky Ricardo for the popular stage production of "I Love Lucy Live on Stage." They were with the show for 4 years during which time they both received multiple awards.

Sirena Irwin

In addition to playing  Lucy Ricardo, Sirena is a recurring voice on Spongebob Squarepants (over 100 episodes) and has appeared on multiple other animated shows, various sitcoms , films and on stages across the country in everything from Shakespeare to Shanley. In addition to acting she has written and directed multiple short films that have been broadcast and distributed worldwide.

In addition to playing Ricky Ricardo, Bill recently starred in the web series, "The Nevermore Chronicles." Other favorite roles include Hasan in the film "Soldier of God," a turn on "Days of Our Lives" and playing Hamlet and Quasimodo onstage. He recently directed a successful run of the world premiere of "Pray to Ball," a play which is now being adapted for the big screen and he has been script editor and writer on various features and short films. 

Bill Mendieta

Photo by Rene Johnston/Toronto Star

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